Hearing Tips
Does Tinnitus go Away by Itself?
Do you have ringing in your ears after a concert or loud noise? This is when you should see a specialist.
Here’s How to Handle The Health Risks of Isolation
New research reveals health hazards of isolation. This one little thing makes all the difference.
If You’re a Musician, You Can Avoid This Common Condition
Musicians and music lovers should follow these tips to protect their hearing.
Will I Need New Hearing Aids Soon?
Did your hearing change? Are you more active now? You may need new hearing aids.
This Needs to be Prioritized if You Are The Main Care Giver For a Senior
This one test is crucial for the health and well-being of seniors.
Don’t Ignore Your Hearing Loss
Untreated hearing loss can lead to a lot of health concerns. Here’s why you shouldn’t ignore it.
What Can I do With Pre-Owned Hearing Aids?
Have a pair of used hearing aids? Here’s what to do with them.
Why Can’t I Hear The TV But I Can Hear The Clock Ticking?
Here’s why you can’t hear voices, even if you can hear soft sounds.
Making Your Ears Pop, Here’s How You do it
If your ears don’t pop after this, you should get checked for hearing loss.
What is Ear Candling?
Looking for a good way to clean your earwax? Whatever you do, don’t do this.