Hearing Tips
Summertime is A Great Time to Think About Hearing Aids!
Don’t let hearing loss keep you from enjoying summertime. Talk to a hearing healthcare professional today to learn more about how hearing aids can help you enjoy your summer.
Getting The Most From Your Hearing Aids
Your hearing aids are a big investment. Here’s how to make sure you get the most bang for your buck.
Diplacusis: When You Hear Things in Stereo
Hearing differently out of each ear? You might have diplacusis.
She Isn’t Faking It: 4 Signs a Loved One Needs a Hearing Aid
Hearing loss can be a frustrating experience for both the person with hearing loss and their loved ones. If you’re concerned that your loved one may need a hearing aid, here are four signs to look for
This Summer You Can do Some Things to Safeguard Your Hearing
Summer is a time for fun and relaxation, but it’s also important to protect your hearing.
Over the Counter Hearing Aids: Are You Taking a Chance?
As over-the-counter hearing aids become more common, many people wonder whether they’re an effective way to treat the symptoms of hearing loss.
Ear Wax Accumulation: What You Should Understand
Earwax buildup could be a silent threat to your hearing. What are the symptoms?
The Use of Technology in Managing Hearing Loss
When most people think about technology and hearing loss, they think about hearing aids. But hearing aids are just the beginning of how tech can help!
Do I Need to Have my Hearing Aid Repaired Professionally?
Have you performed basic maintenance and troubleshooting but your hearing aid is still not working properly? It’s likely that your hearing aid will need to be professionally repaired.
Isn’t it Time You Considered a Hearing Aid Upgrade?
Hearing aid technology has come a long way and can revolutionize the way you hear sound!